If My Hair Could Talk

Hair We Go


Listen to “Hair We Go" here ↓

My hair knows everything about me. 

It knows what I’m thinking, where I’ve been, what I’m doing and even more so, what I’ve done. It could tell you my past, my present and what I hope for the future. So, quite naturally, If My Hair Could Talk, was the perfect title or name for a blog that would share my voice as well as my stories about life, travel, culture and…of course, hair.

Believe me, I don’t think I have better stories than anyone else because everyone has a story. However, I do believe…that by sharing our stories, we give way to a person’s understanding of an existence or experiences that extend beyond their very own. So here I am or should I say hair I am, ready to share my blog with you. 

While all of my stories certainly won’t be hair-raising, I promise you a blog that gives off vibes of being styled yet unruly, tamed yet teased and always striving for that deep-conditioned, touchable body and bounce. I guess it’s because I often think, life is like any given hair day. Both can vacillate daily, between good and bad, as we bob and weave our way through. And, in times like this, we see that a bad hair day really isn’t that bad.

It is times like now, that create turning points. You find the courage, the time to do that blog you’ve always wanted to do. Therefore, I hope that as I become an open book, you’ll laugh a little, maybe get misty-eyed at times and identify with my stories in a symbiotic or symbolic way. Because…

Stories create community,
enable us to see through the eyes of other people, and open us to the claims of others
Telling stories is our best hope of reflecting the kind of world,
we want to live in and, therefore, gives us hope of creating it.”
Peter Forbes.

Setting foot on every continent, my hair and I have combed through people, places and possibilities in 95 absolutely unbelievable countries, with more on the horizon. I smile with a bit of pride as I write that last sentence and think of how I’ve gone from the ghetto to the globe.

Yes, I have so many stories to share, with that best hope of reflecting the kind of world we want to live in. So, I’m letting my hair down and…hair we go!

More to explore

Hair Love

I truly dislike…ok I have to say it…I hate all the negative, cynical and self-defeating talk about natural hair. I don’t know about you but seeing descriptions like…