If My Hair Could Talk


Hair Love

I truly dislike…ok I have to say it…I hate all the negative, cynical and self-defeating talk about natural hair. I don’t know about you but seeing descriptions like…

Hair Me Out

It was a GOOOD hair day! You know what I’m talking about. Each curl twisted and twirled into irresistible curves around my face. Its ancestral patterns embodied my pride and heritage. And that velvety, voluminous texture was calling out for that admiring, side-eye glance. As I said, it was a good hair day😉 and…

Hair We Go

My hair knows everything about me! It knows what I am thinking, where I’ve been, what I’m doing and even more so – what I’ve done 😉. It could tell you my past, my present and what I hope for the future. So, quite naturally, If My Hair Could Talk™ is a blog that shares my stories about life, travel, culture and of course HAIR. Believe me…